A Palestinian in Gaza: Who is helping us?

Even when we find by chance someone praying for us (from Muslims and Arabs) and supplicating to God for us…..we do not find the interaction we expect from our brothers. The rulers have let us down because of their worldly interests, so what about the wise and the common people???

Why do I see Europe more supportive of us and more opposed to the war of our extermination?

We saw churches that opened soup kitchens (feeding food) in northern Gaza, such that whoever does this work bears the risks and high prices and suffers the hardships until he serves the food!!!! So what about those weakened Arabs!!!

For your information, the only hospital that persevered and struggled to remain operating in northern Gaza is the Baptist (Christian) Missionary Hospital!!!! And the rest stopped, why??? Why???

In addition, so that you are aware, Christians come to help us from their welfare states and are killed in Gaza because of their help to us. Some of them were in the Baptist Hospital when it was bombed, and some of them are employees of the World Central Kitchen.

 So where are you, O Muslims???


Where are you, O Arabs who sing of loyalty, zeal and chivalry!!!!
